Saturday, July 16, 2011

Do you think the Bible contains the whole of God's message to people?

I am curious if you think that it is possible that God said everything that needed said to humankind in the books of the Bible or do you think that he might still be "speaking" to people in this day and age? Men physically wrote the Bible so it is hard to believe that they didn't put it into the context of the knowledge/customs of the people at that time period. My understanding is that some books of the Bible were rewritten, excluded, and probably modified to some extent at some point in history, or am I wrong about that? So the real question is do you think that God would stop speaking to us because I would think that God would want us to understand the message rather than hang on the exact words that ultimately were the work of a flawed human understanding of the message. Why aren't there prophets anymore? Does anyone else think that it possible that as humans have advanced in science and our understanding of the universe that God's message to us right now might differ from the message that was delivered to man all those years ago. I don't mean that the core message has changed but our understanding of exact details might shift. An example is "be fruitful and multiply" which would make sence in ancient times where the world didn't have 6 billion people. Do you think God might be wanting to tell us, whoa, ok you got that part figured out, now chill out on it because you are starting to destroy the rest of my creation. All opinions are welcome even for athiests that might have considered this but I don't need preached at so please just give me your personal opinion rather than quoting a bunch of Bible verses or saying God doesn't exist, (you can just pretend he/she does). This question includes any other religions too, Christianity is just the one I am somewhat familiar with. 10 pts to the most honest answer (that I like :D ).

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