Saturday, July 23, 2011

Second part of Avalon- publishing question is still open!?

If you want to publish it then publish it. It's not up to us, but I still think that all of the metaphors and confusing words make it very hard to read. I don't even know what you mean by "a bodily utterance".

How much chalk would it take to color an entire driveway?

I want to color my driveway using chalk. How many boxes of like Crayola chalk do you think it will take? I'd probably use the 52 pack of crayons. I want to color the entire thing. It's made out of brick, and it's not very long, just like average length I guess. I just need to know how much chalk I should get...

Is this a good way to talk to my boyfriend? (I really need help!)?

Well, if you don't want to break up with him, then you definitely need to talk to him. I think what you came up with is a good approach.

I'm writing an Adventure/Horror survival story and well, how is the first chapter?

Its not offly but youre new at this arent you? first off, is Tino a girls name? thats okay, but no little child talks so expressively in a vivid way. they talk simply and she feels too grown up. your plot sounds nothing like your above description so far, but it is the first chapter. your emotions are getting out right. i feel some bitterness between the boy and the step mother lady but its just not coming out right. this could be done better but i like the idea and this is a good basic start to improving it :D

Question about the bible?

why do people take the bible as literal it should be catagorized in mythology because there are other creation stories like from the ancient greeks,mayan,and alot more but those are looked upon as myth so why not the same of the bible

Where all old schools hitting the kids in ancient times?

I know old and modern Amish still and always used too.Everyone may not agree, but i think they are good natured, peaceful people.i couldn't believe they hit all ancient schools and family life involve this practice?The Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, and so forth do this?

Question about ancient women and body hair?

Okay so I have a bit of a strange question. What did women from say 1500's-1700's in Europe do about leg hair and armpit hair? Did nobody think anything of it? Did only certain women remove their hair? Did they shave? Pluck? Thread?

Integration and Limits?

It really = [F(y)] between -inf and phi. The integral on the left is definite so you do not include the arbitrary constant C

What does my dream i had last night mean?

yess he was thining about you and that was a very interesting dream!! but my best bet, he was dreaming about you!!

What fraction of people on R&S actually read the questions, instead of skimming for buzzwords?

**** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you. **** you.

Do believe the ancient astronaut theory?

I do not believe the ancient astronaut theories but I believe that these "theorists" sincerely believe what they're putting forward. I think it is extremely arrogant of modern man to assume that previous earth-bound civilizations were incapable of amazing feats of architecture without the help of space-invaders.

Is there any way for me to seek medical help without my parents knowing, even if i'm still on their insurance?

I am 20 yrs. old; when i was 17, i was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder and depression. I completed treatment about 2 years ago, and have been doing very well since then. However, i just finished my first year of college, and there were several times when i felt i could benefit from a little outside help again, like a little "refresher" course to help me reinforce the things i learned a few years ago. I still feel that way, especially going into my second year. My dilemma is, the whole process was very rough on my family the first time around; they were very worried about me. It was so emotionally trying for all of us, and i don't want to bring all that up again. Plus, three years ago, i was a teenager, and they had to be involved in every decision. I'm 20 now, and i'd like some privacy, and a chance to make decisions without my family immidiately knowing about it and me feeling like i'm under a microscope. But that's almost impossible considering 1) i live with them, and 2) i'm still on their insurance. So i can't even make myself a doctor's appointment without them eventually finding out. So is there any way to get around that? I'm pretty sure the answer is no, but i still wanted to ask. Any other suggestions are more than welcome, i'm at a loss for what to do.

Where did Bull fighting originate from?

Some articles mention ancient Rome,while other claim ancient Greece.In Europe Bull fighting is practiced in Portugal,Spain & southern France.

What is you opinion on...?

So there are now four sub-sects of Goths. Oh come on by the time you finish analyzing them they will be so last year and over. Never was that impressive really... but seemed to catch a lot of limited imaginations.... there will be another band-wagon along in a minuet.

Does it help to have an exchange student so you can practice a language?

A person who learns a language must use it to keep the skill. If you don't have any one to speak the particular language would it help to have someone who speaks the language, ie. international student come maybe once a year and use the visit as a refresher?

Should i give this one more chance? Please answer.?

Why don't you try the good old fashioned telephone. Try to keep your conversation upbeat. Or you could meet her for lunch or some private time together. If you live nearby that is. I'm sorry you are depressed. I have been in therapy and on meds for about a year and it has really helped me. I hope you feel better soon and keep your friendship going if it cheers you up so much. She may not even know her interruptions are hurtful to you and may do this to all her friends.

How to get my EMT certificate back?

I was a EMT-B up until a year ago. For me to get my certification back do I have to take the whole class again or is there a refresher course I can take. I have been a CNA for the past 3 years and live in South Dakota if that helps. Thanks

Video ideas for my friends birthday! Help!!?

My best friend is in the Army, she's going to be 19 and in Washington State on her birthday. I want to make a video saying/creating "Happy birthday!" 10 different ways and make it into a video to send to her. I have the chalk on the sidewalk idea and cups in the fence to spell it out but I need 8 more! Helpppp me! It would be SO appreciated! Thank you :)

How can I get my elderly mother to throw out her old clothes?

You can't convince someone of this. They see their clothes as they remember them, rather than as they are. You can instead volunteer yourself to do her laundry (just do it, don't ask) and throw out a few of the old things, telling her later that they were old and just fell apart in the wash. Then, if she's up to it, take her out to find some replacement clothes. Or just present her with your peace offering of new clothes. She may be upset initially, but it usually isn't as painful to gain forgiveness, in these cases, as it is to get permission.

Some unusual questions...?

Sounds to me like you might be pregnant. Dont be scared to take a test if you wouldnt mind being pregnant, the worst that can happen is that you're not (but it doesnt sound like it to me). I had a lot of the same symptoms that you are describing early on in my pregnancy. Also dont get too discouraged if you test negative, some people take awhile for the hormone to show up in their system. I am one of those people, I was 13 weeks when I finally tested positive. If you test negative and still dont get your period wait another week or two and take another test. Or you can always go to the doctor and get a blood test done, which is more accurate and earlier detectable than the pee tests. Good Luck and whatever is meant to happen will happen!

Should I take another chance on this woman?

Dude if you give her another chance she's only going to hurt you again, your worth more then a broken heart move on and find someone better then her, find one that doesn't play as many head games.

Not sure what to do with my career?

I just feel stuck... I LOVE music and baking, I was a cake decorator for a while, but that just doesn't pay, and its even harder to find a job. Right now I'm working with health insurance, and its ok. I've been doing it for about 2 years, with school/training. I'm still at the starting pay of $11.00 an hour, and I just don't know how to improve. I lost most of my knowledge of coding, but I was thinking of taking a refresher course (its free at my school, I can go back anytime) and become a certified coder. I'm also in school to finish my associate degree, and I'm still considering my bachelors. I'm 25 and still I don't know what to do! Basically, is there anyway to move up with health insurance/coding or am I basically at the point where I'm as far as I can go? Thanks!!

White spots have cleared?

white spots have cleared on my black finned oranda.... however he is now hiding a lot. he is only a lil baby... 2 inches... minus the tail. dont want him to die! i looked closely a him and his tail has white chalk like markings there where as when i got him he was all black... is this from the white spots or is this fin rot setting in? if i change water he gets more active for a bit (1/2hr) then goes behind the plants :( dont want to take the plants out if that makes him feel safer. i have been told by Maidenhead Aquatics not to feed him for 24hrs and see if he gets better. and to keep using the spot cream for another week. o and they checked my water levels and said all was good... but to do 20% water changes every other day until he gets fully recovered. they didnt recommend salt as i said i was wary of killing them by overdoing it. PLEASE HELP :)

Math help please?Scale Factors?Immediately?

Just set up a ratio of the height of the Tower to its length in the scale drawing and you'll have the scale factor.

Best things to do at Epcot?

Check out the rides & shows at the World Showcase Pavilions. Try some of the snacks & the various Pavilions. Do the fun things at Innoventions East & West. Check out Disney's Kim Possible World Showcase Adventure. It may seem like it's for kids, but adults enjoy it too. Go to the WDW site to see all the other fun things to do.

If gay marriage is legal shouldn't incestuous and polygamist marriages be allowed as well?

After all, polygamy has been popular in many different cultures around the world, and in ancient Egypt according to the Roman census 20-30% of marriages were between brothers and sisters. So there is even more precedence for these than for gay marriage.

Does anyone know that french music video with a blonde singer ? she is one a bicycle with a brunette boy?

they also trace each other with chalk they look sad at the end and like in the begging shes in a room singing

What nationality's philosophies do I exhibit?

American. And here's why. You exhibit the arrogance to think you can just move to Europe without being a citizen. You have to get a visa. And your reading of philosophy would not help with that.

Do Atheists agree that God must be fake, because He did not reveal Modern Knowledge to the Ancients? Should He?

No, god is fake because he doesn't actually exist, and because it is obvious he was created by humans.

Can you develop an allergen to red meat?

I have been having stomach issues lately where I either vomit or have diahreah. My dr has chalked it up to my acid reflux and I have went with that diagnosis for awhile now. I recently went back home and we ate a lot of red meat and my stomach was upset the entire two weeks that I was there and it was worse on days that we ate red meat. I grew up on a farm and we always ate red meat and I have never had problems until recently. My husband and I don't eat a lot of red meat so with my stomach being upset the entire time I was at my parents house I was wondering if I could be developing an allergy to red meat.

How to drive in a new area which are unfamiliar?

Get map of city on Map Quest and study it. Map Quest shows street names and all 4 heading, north, south east and west. You can also request directions from one point to another, it will show you a route marked out on the map. Best part is it's free.

Aspasia to his Pericles: Please comment on my poem...?

I enjoyed the lesson you have given in your poem Pandora, about hetaera. My knowledge on all things Greek is extremely limited, so I have read this with interest. Thank you

Should I look into wearing contacts?

Contacts would probably be a great option for you. I work for an optometrist and do alot of the insurance billing. Insurance companies will lead you to believe that they cover a years supply of contacts when in reality they only give you an allowance to spend toward your year supply. There is also the cost of the fitting fee that they take out of the allowance. At my office the average fitting is 65 to 100 dollars and the average year supply can be anywhere from 130 to 500 dollars depending on the brand the Dr. fits you with. The average ins. allowance is about 125 t0 150 dollars. Do the math ,there might be alot of out of pocket expense. Be sure you do all your homework on pricing and insurance benefits first. There are so many different kinds of policies yours might pay more.

I love to eat chalk and multani mitti?

i love to it dese tings........some one recommended me to eat tawasheer to replace it.can any1 tell me frm where i cn get it....!!!!!!or can u tell me any other thing dat can help me...!

Hey there ladies i need your advise.?

Ok so tomorrow there is a girl I'm taking out. And were gonna prolly do dinner and a movie. She is 20 and I'm 23 and she is a sweetheart. I was just wounderin what's some things that would make her think aww. Haha Its just been so long since I've had a date I just want some refreshers

Rreeaadd aanndd rreevviieeww?!!!!!!?

It sounds great to me, but that's just my opinion. If it feels right to you, go for it. Very few people have that kind of gift. Don't waste it asking questions.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Cool teenage girl bedroom ideas?

I want re-paint and organize my bedroom, but I'm not sure what colors to paint it. I'm a teenage girl, 15 years old. I have one wall that is slanted in my room, and I was thinking of painting it with either chalk paint or whiteboard paint. Any ideas for painting my room? I like bright colors (pink, purple, lime green, etc). Is there any way to paint zebra stripes on the wall? (My dad has to be able to do this haha). Right now my walls are purple, lime green, and pink, but I'm getting sick of it. Pictures would be great, thanks:D

I Need Help With Something..?

When you start working at a stables the people they need the most is some one to muck stalls, those that have paid their dues by mucking stall every day for a few years usually get the easier jobs when some one new comes along, you do not start at the top.

Is she still interested?

Hello all! So I've taken this girl on two phenomenal dates, with the last one ending with her saying, "thank you so much, seriously". Last time I saw her was Sunday, and she told me she'd text me. It's now 0300 Friday morning, and still nothing. Do I text her, or just chalk it up to a loss? Thanks in advance!

How can I use the FeBr3 Br2 reaction to produce specifically para bromo-benzamide?

I am doing an organic synthesis paper, and I would like a refresher on para-selectivity to make sure I'm on the right track. Thank you.

Natural Insticts 2 Week Color Refresher?

Do they have a shade in red? Like, orange-red, not maroon? Because my dye is fading and I'm thinking of getting it.

What is another way to say "to which"?

I'm writing a paper and one of my sentences is "Once in an ancient time when scorching sand covered the walkways of Bethlehem and heroes were masked as ordinary people, a baby boy was born unto the world—a child that would forever change the selfsame ground to which billions of people would lay a foundation of faith, hope, and love." But that 'to which' just sounds reeeeeally bad. Can you help me come up with another solution? Thanks so much!

Is my blackwing deck good?

If i were you i would try to work in Fake Feather and BW Kalut, Elphin, and Mistral. and some of your extra deck cards like Ancient Fairy dragon and Iron chain dragon, are kind of unnecessary. Otherwise it is decent.

How to get started in programming Java?

I would like to take up programming Java (and eventually making apps for Android), but all the books on Amazon seem to be out of date, or not yet released. Is there a good website, or current book that could get me started in programming Java? I have absolutely no experience, so a "refresher" book would not do.

How would she have cleaned her teeth?

In lost in austen Amanda is given chalk, salt and birch twigs, how on earth would she have cleaned her teeth with them? Does anyone know?


so basically, you assume that you know more about medicine than a doctor because you are a mother? do they give out medical degrees when you give birth? O.o

I have a dilemma.....?

L for sure. I like someone who has the same sense of humor, is smart, and just generally awesome. C sounds like she's sweet and all, but a little too forward. I like someone who can be a best friend and a girlfriend at the same time, and that sounds like what L would provide for you :)

Refresher: Random blood test is very dangerous?

What can I say? Everybody contributes intelligent and factual opinions in here except Martin's and Ricky's. I can't see logics from their answers to to connect the question you posted.

How to beat my friends malefic skill drain variant deck?

try focusing on chamberlin of the six samurai and non spell-casting area! this still lets you use other six samurais but with non-spell casting area you can use dark hole to kill the opposing monsters, leaving them unharmed and they have no effect to negate! Also you can sacrifice them to keep your other samurais from being killed by dark hole! Plus with that you can try to swarm the field and use Six Strike Tripple Impact to destroy the monsters or field spell leaving the malefics gone for a while! So go for some Storms of ragnorok or Strike of neos boster packs for your answer!

3 Week long period... Normal?

Glad that the bump is non cancerous! But a 2-3 week long period is not normal... True some of it might be from stress from moving. Of course this could jus be very dark and heavy discharge. If you are very concerned I would suggest seeing a doctor.

Dividing decimals problem?

(.2 / .31), multiply by (100/ 100), aka multiplying by one so its ok, so you get 20/ 31, divide from there! im pretty sure 31 is a prime number and does not factor easily into 20 so the answer should have decimals. good luck!!!

Are air refresher harmful to human?

I just got the Febreze spray, but are these things harmful to human health?? Should I switch to candles??

Should I work a Cursillo team while going through infertility treatments?

I am seeking opinions from people who have worked Cursillo teams before. Cursillo is a refresher course in Christianity. It is an amazing experience-I have worked one before. It's a lot of work and can be stressful, but also very spiritually fulfilling. I have already gone through one round of IVF that ended in a chemical pregnancy and and just now starting a frozen embryo transfer cycle. I just can't decide if I should work this team while doing infertility treatments! It means meeting one day a month for 6 months and lots of little projects and planning on the side, as well as taking time off of work for the actual long weekend. Those of you who have worked a Cursillo team, do you think I should do this while trying to get pregnant?

How hard would it be for me to be accepted to college?

I'm looking to apply at University of Cincinnati. Currently I'm 29 years old, I did poorly in high school for the most part, not because I was too stupid, but because I was a slacker and just didn't care. I actually dropped out and got my GED a week later. I recently took a practice ACT test and my composite was 26. I'm taking online refresher courses, mainly focusing on algebra because that's where I really wasn't paying attention. My concerns are the fact that my GPA in high school was probably pretty low and I don't think it would be at all possible, or logical to request that I get teacher letters of recommendation. Anybody around my age have experience applying at a college? What did they do as far as letter of recommendation? Co-workers, supervisors?

Newborn 101 for a first time mum?

I'm two days over due now, so my little fella should be on his way soon! :D I think I've got all the basics of newborn care covered, but some top tips from all you top parents would be brilliant! My other half has already had a child but has forgotten absolutely everything, so some refresher tips for dads would be brill too :) thanks! x

Do you think it would be possible for a Deity to do just ONE ACT in human history that would be sufficient..?

NO! ( Did i surpass the sentence length? )AHH, hell forget the sentence length! No gods or devils exist anywhere outside of ones properly brainwashed mind! PROVEN FACT!!!

Why is the right wing in a constant but failed attempt to pull the martyr card with fox news?

and chalk anything that doesnt agree with fox news down to "liberal elitist media" without looking at the facts? sure it would be nice to get an unbiased fair news station but you only have a few at the moment.... fox being far right wing... there is no moderate right wing like there are moderate left wing news stations... why do cons try to pull the "we are so persecuted and everyone is biased against us' card

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Why do people think god still exists?

I understand for comfort at tough times, but religion was really just a way to control ancient people. The seven sins made sure things didnt fall apart. But why is there still deep religious belief in modern day?

Is Tracy McGrady the Greatest that Never Was?

His best moment was obviously 13 points in 33 seconds comeback win over the spurs. His greatest days playing was at Houston.

Are LPN Refresher courses worth it?

I graduated in 2006 as a LPN and took my boards in January 2007. Since graduating I have yet to work in the nursing career. Now I am trying to get a job as a nurse and no one will hire me because of my lack of experience and being out of school for so long. I am looking into taking a refresher course but I have my doubts. Will it help me get a job or am I just wasting my money? Please let me know if you have taken a course and were you able to get a job after the course was complete? I am in NY. Thanks all.

Horse problems.....(20 questions)?

I believe you can (should) allow a horse to have their own personality. OK, she is not friendly, but she can be expected to have good manners. I would discipline her (make her back up, or work, or even punish her if the bad behavior warrants it) if she needs it, and "reward" her by not getting up in her space when she is behaving well.

A question about my boobs?

They are a little tender and they have been for the most of this week. i haven't had my period yet for this month but it is late. but i chalk that up to leaving an all girls boarding school and coming home to my mom and my sister. also because i haven't gotten any in months. so I'm not sure if it's my period because they've been achy for so long and i usually don't get much pms. so other reasons my (small) breasts would be sore. also i'm only 16 so i'm still pubescent.

A question about my boobs?

They are a little tender and they have been for the most of this week. i haven't had my period yet for this month but it is late. but i chalk that up to leaving an all girls boarding school and coming home to my mom and my sister. also because i haven't gotten any in months. so I'm not sure if it's my period because they've been achy for so long and i usually don't get much pms. so other reasons my (small) breasts would be sore. also i'm only 16 so i'm still pubescent.

Babysitting two small children?

so im 16 now, responsible and mature for my age, i have babysat before and took the course when i was 11 tomorrow im babysitting a family members children one girl late 2's early 3's and a brother about a year younger from the christmas partys and other get togethers that they have attended they dont seem to be incredibly naughty the boy is more quiet and the girl is more difficult but anyways can someone give me a refresher as to things to do how to entertain them and things i need to know for all small children that i may have forgotten its not that im mindless and remember nothing i just want some help to make sure things go as smoothly as anything including small children can be lol

Warcraft III CD-Key Disabled?

if you found a cd key on the internet, odds are extremely good that blizzard knows about it, and thus banned it from connecting to bnet. it doesn't matter if your frozen throne key is legit because as long as one key is banned, then you can't use bnet. if you install the game with a legit key, then you'll be able to connect to bnet.

Refresher on Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows?

IM APOLOGIZING IN ADVANCE FOR MY POOR SPELLING LOL. Ok so I need a refresher on the Deathly Hallows cuz i haven't read it in a while. Part two is coming out soon and I've forgotten too much. I forgot what the horcruxes were so i looked it up and i saw the cup of Hufflpuff and something with ravenclaw which i didn't remember either of them in the book. I do briefly remember a scene in Hogwarts where i think Harry is in the Ravenclaw house talking with Cho Chang (i think please explain how only harry ended up there in hogwarts). So what im really asking is for a summary of all the events that take place in deathly hallows after the events in part one (because i remember them all), including the finding and destroying of the horcruxes and the crusial details etc... I think you can figure it out what i want. Please just sum it up for me or give me a site that does (don't be afraid to make a lengthy answer cuz i dont mind reading). Please help me out and thank you so much.

Consequences for teepeeing?!?

Last night my friends and i teepeed this girl who we HATE. But we didnt only put toilet paper. We chalked and said some really mean things and we put shaving cream and forks and syrup in her yard. We didnt do any real damage but we said some really mean things and called her a "barbie *****" and talked about how she has a hairy vagina. Haha. But she's saying on facebook that she had video cameras and that she went to the cops but i doubt it. Im realllllly freaking out cause i play volleyball at my school and i dont want to get kicked off. And on facebook she liked all of our pictures together and "poked" one of my friends that was with me. We're freaking out cause i dont want to get in serious trouble. Should we fess up?

Why is gluttony a sin?

Because look at what happened to America now that more than half the population is obese. Everyone's butt looks like a walrus flossing.

When did your toddler start being able to scribble (without just eating the writing implement!)?

My daughter has been able to scribble without eating the crayons since she was a few days shy of one year old. She occasionally uses the flat end of the crayon instead of the point, but it still works. She also just figured out how to click pens, which really I am not too thrilled about.

Can someone answer how to integrate -sin(x)tan(x)?

It's been a while since I've used the cyclical trick which I think is what is needed here. If you could please step me through the process or give me a refresher on how cyclical trick works I'd appreciate it.

My mental is seriously wrong?

it started at 2008 i began to think a lot of weird things,i started to worry a lot of things that i shouldn't worry about, at 2009 my mental is totally wrong,i start to think about things i don't want to do,if i'm walking along a river i feel there is another person inside my head demanding me to jump in to the river and die,then i feel the awful scene that i fell into the river then i feel faint.since 2009 till now every day is like this.and i find the reason of this,all because of my experience in school, here is china, have to admit chinese in school are really not kind,they always cause trouble to each other and lousy ,school is like a monkey cage,and all of my schools are very dirty,i'm a person who is afraid of dirty,so stay in dirty area for long time may be bad for my mental,but the worst thing is what i must do everyday when at school, i must study 18 hours a day,in china students must study very hard, other students in school may not do so ,but i did so,and in china study means fill sheet with questions on it ,everyday i must write as much text as a novel,that is real .all the sheet i write can fill a room,and worst of all,what i must study are all useless bulllshiit,it's not knowledge at all, it is the goddamn bullllshiit,for example a chinese in this era must speak the so called spoken language spoken by ancient chinese,and keep them in mind like keeping password in mind,but these are not password,these are articles ,that means i must copy a lot of articles in my mind goddman it!and my mental start to become ill right after i stopped studying,now i realize education in china is a tool to torture chinese, and everyone know chinese treat their own people like dirt,but i'm not ugly and very kind ,why would.......... and,i'm not the only one have these experience, i heard some chinese students have already lost their last sanity,they are doing the things that they don't want to do,they don't want to but they force themselves,a lot of them have suicide, and even primary school students suicide,and some of them must have an operation on their head ,doctors open their skull and remove some part of their brain,otherwise they won't stop doing silly things that they don't want to do,it's terrible, u don't want to do a silly thing,but u feel a person in your head demanding u to do so,and u have to resist before it drain your last sanity,anyway it's not easy to explain,at last , i only want some people out of china to know this situation to know there is hells on earth,that is my only wish now. and other stupid chinese yahoo users go the ***** away,before u leave any meaningless bulllshiit

Should i apologize????

Yeah I do in a way but she didn't have to be so harsh about it. The guys clearly a douche but if you really do want him, you'll need to accept his calls. His ego is probably pretty low since he thinks you're just ignoring him. But definitely don't text him or call him. Let HIM come to YOU.

Do you wish you were born in the future or the past?

I wish i was born in the past, more like the medievel/ancient times, like the time where there were warriors not modern soldiers, the most advanced weaponry was swords, bows and arrows, living a simple, clean life. I don't know why but i would choose to live in old times anyday over future technology times. riding horses instead of cars, where wars were fought with bravery using soldiers and tactics not just throwing an atom bomb. what about you?

Ancient Record Collection?

I think it depends. Since The Beatles were really popular, it probably wasn't/isn't THAT valuable. Check Ebay for old Beatles records and see how much they're going for. It also depends on how badly other people want it. It could go from two dollars to two grand. Haha. :)

Will you rate this yugioh deck?

I used to have a deck back in the 5th grade. Dark Magicians the ****. sorta the pikachu of yugioh. But, **** man, you need baby dragon time wizard and polymerization to get thousand years dragon

What is your opinion on The Vegetarian Myth book? Love it or Hate it?

I wouldn't take it seriously. If someone is going to attack vegetarianism/veganism they had better be a medical doctor or licensed dietitian for me to pay any attention to them. There are lots of books out there full of misinformation.

Would you please help me with the days of the week?

Please help! Don't make me watch that Rebecca Black video for a refresher course. today was Thursday. What is "tomorrow"? I want to say Sunday, but it just doesn't sound quite right. Help a brotha out?

How is the universe expanding faster and faster?

I took a general astronomy course in college a few years ago but need a refresher on this concept. They say the universe is flat and expanding and that it's expansion is accelerating. How does this work? What causes our universe to keep accelerating in its expansion? Do we know? (No math equations please). Thanks!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Music suggestions similar too...?

Anyone know any good artist that are similar to Agalloch, Woods of Ypres, Empyrium, Ancient Tundra, October Falls, Fen? Would be gladly appreciated. I love black metal/folk/ambiance. ^_^ Thanks again!

Occupational Therapist - Part Time after going back after baby?

well i am from uk and here we have to apply for flexible working which i have just done and they accepted, they would of had to turn me down for serious business reasons and we also had keep in touch days. i wouldnt say anything before you leave work, do it when you are thinking about returning to work

Why did so many Roman emperors practice pedestry?

I think as a general rule the Romans (like the greeks) were more tolerant of sexual deviancy than other societies. It was certainly tolerated. Most men had a young boy lover before they were married. I think without sexual restrictions the society produced more open minded men who could find young boys to... interact with.

Grammar Question about Commas?

"tracing back to ancient Egyptian and Chinese times" is an appositive phrase adding additional information to "four thousand years". The commas indicate it can be left out without changing the meaning of the sentence.

Algebra refresher? I'm a parent and want to help my kid...?

You are right, do unto one side as you would the other. So at this point you would want to get Y by itself. So subtract 2Y from both side and now all your Variables are on one side( you only have one though). You now have 8 =3Y + 2. the variable is still not by itself, so now to get rid of that two, you need to subtract two from both sides. Now your equation should look like this: 6=3X. Now finally, since your X is multiplying by three, to cancel it, you have to divide by three on both sides. 6 divided by three is 2. X equals two

Doggy dragging butt.?

I have a 17 month APBT. The last couple weeks I noticed her dragging her bum across the floor. I checked her poo for worms and there were none. I chalked it up to an itchy bum. Recently I found light streaks of blood on my bed sheets where she is fond of laying at night. My husband and I looked at her more closely and there are little red bumps along the inside of her tail. Not so much on her butt yet her butt hole is reddish and looks irritated. She has these bumps other places. On her mouth and tummy. Last time the vet prescribed a anti allergy medication and she was fine until about last month when the bumps on her mouth came back. I am worried about my girl, does anybody have any ideas as to what may be causing my baby so much irritation? I will get her back to the vet as soon as I get paid but that still a couple of weeks. Any ideas what the heck this is?

When did man create the concept of a monotheistic god?

I know that man wrote his bible somewhere around 1500 B.C. and before that civilizations where mostly all polytheistic like the ancient Greeks, Romans, Egypt, and many Asian cultures. So around what years do you suppose that polytheism started to became obsolete and monotheism started taking over? What made humans change their views to just one all powerful god instead of multiple ones with their own specialty?

What is standard temperature and pressure?

Okay I have the MCAS testing tomorrow on chemistry and I need a little refresher. I need to know what the standard temperature is (Celsius please) and what is standard pressure, (i think it's like 1 Atm and 101.3 Kpa)

Dog is Refusing to Come When Called?

put a leash on him have some treat and call him with the leash as a lead if he doesnt come pull on the leash then give him the treat just keep doing it then take the leash off and keep calling him

IE 8 won't alllow me to install a plug in?

I downloaded this automatic refresher program, but somehow this version of IE would does not show the program when I right click on the tool bar section. I have installed the same program with the same IE version and it worked perfectly. Anybody know why? I'm cetain is somewhere in the setting, but I can't figure out where.

How do i tell a bridesmaid that she can no longer be in the wedding?

i have 2 of my closest friends in the bridal party but they have never been the closest, kind of like chalk and cheese. how can i tell one of them that its best if she isnt in it. i really dont want to hurt her feelings or to loose her friendship. i didnt even officially ask her to be apart of it, now im stuck

Do you think that calling yourself a feminist nowadays is like calling yourself an Abolitionist?

Why yes and just like if you were to call yourself an abolitionist today people would think you're stupid because slavery no longer exists, just like women's inequalities.

Completely frightened about starting college (please help!)?

It's not surprising that you need a refresher for Chinese. Language is a one of those things where you either use it or lose it, and I'm willing to bet that you can't remember the last time you had the opportunity to use your Chinese. What is concerning is the fact that you're taking remedial algebra as an engineer. Whether you got lucky in high school or not, your math is going to need serious improvement. It's important to remember that you tested into that class for a reason; you wouldn't do well in a calculus class if you're testing into algebra. Realize though that you're going to have a lot of catching up to do. If you're really going to do this, I would strongly recommend getting a math tutor. Getting help early on will make a huge difference in your performance, and tutoring is likely provided by your college for free (or is very reasonably priced).

Runescape Private Server Coding Help [317]?

Hello i am currently in the process of coding a Runescape Private Server and want to know if anyone could help me. I want to add some Ancient Curses to my Server [Turmoil and Soul Split] and i also want to know how to code Custom Emotes into the game, Such as when wearing a Owner Cape you can press the skillcape button and your character sprouts wings and rises above everyone else and turns into a God holding the world then slowly fall back to earth (or maybe i have to stick with the precoded emotes -.-) anyway i would like to know how i can code those items

Teeth/gum/jaw pain moving around!?

Hi- My top right 'back tooth' started hurting about a week ago... and is a bit loose- no injuries and anything happens that I can remember, just started hurting at once! (I just recently became vegan, so I chalked it up to vitamin deficiency- so I got more vitamins.... and then the pain moved to my lower tooth/gum/jaw and hurts like the devil, my teeth are not bad, they are not cavity ridden or anything like that.. I went out and got some sysondyne toothpaste, and it helps a little.... but even my ear hurts a bit.. I don't want to spend a fortune at the dentist to find out it is something simple? but yet I don't trust dentist as they will want to do this or that bla bla... I have had bad experiences with dentist.( and I have no money right now to pay for this) does anyone have any thoughts as to what this could be? thank you in advance.

Hypothetically:We learn tomorrow we are the product of extraterrestrial engineering, what do we happens next?

"Ancient Aliens" series expands on some compelling theories. What if we learned tomorrow that nothing we were taught by religions, governments, and other institutions was true? Serious answers only, please.

Is it true that the reason there are more *smart* Asians than smart whites is that throughout history Asians?

were far more brutal to the weak and to the dumb than white Europeans were? So brutal in fact that people that didn't fit the cultural norms of intelligence often didn't pass on their traits to the future generations. I was reading about how if someone made one little mistake while reciting the words of Confucius from memory that they were beaten with rods in ancient China and elsewhere, and that they had very little tolerance for imperfect people. In Europe, you would just as likely hear "it's okay honey, nobody's perfect, we all make mistakes" as you would "you idiot", lol.

Need Help on Old Cartoon Name?

it isn't entirely old but it went off the air about 5-7 years ago. it was on cartoon network and maybe another station. it was about a guy and his friend who find an ancient alien robot. the guy hooks it up to his car so it can transform. there was a chick from the future. and the 3 of them battle an alien trying to recapture the robot.

Intermediate Algebra at Junior college?

I need to take intermediate algebra to get into a program. The class is through the junior college in my city. My question is should I take beginning algebra first as a refresher since it has been awhile since been in a math class or try go straight into intermediate and try to pass with the help of a tutor.I learn quickly but have never been a fan of math but when I had a tutor I did well.

How do you factor the polynomial p^2 - 100?

I have about 6 more problems of these, and I'm not asking about all of them so don't answer saying "Do it yourself" on here please. I can't find this in the book and just need a refresher.

Rate this mini paragraph and give constructive criticism?

Try using more interesting and descriptive words. "She had just returned from the sweet, blood drenched heaven that she would call home" could be made into a wonderful sentence if you thought about it. Thanks!

Do I need to watch the Battlestar Galactica "Razor Flashbacks"?

I am about to begin watching the series, all the way from the miniseries to "The Plan." Do I need to watch the "Razor Flashbacks" to get the whole story, or is that just refresher material for people who watched the series while it was airing? Thanks.

I need help with Microsoft Excel?

So I went on a interview and I lied about knowing Microsoft Excel to try and land the job. Well the truth is I have not work with Microsoft Excel in over 5 years and I am a little rusty on it. I got the job and I start on Wednesday. I need a quick refresher, does anyone know where I can get one for free online?

According to the Bible time lines Adam and Eve?

came into existence about 4800 B.C.. the ancient city of Jericho dates to 6000 B.C.. How can that be?

Is there any good sources online to learn college algebra?

I am kind of cheap, I want to learn college algebra and try to test out of it, for my degree. I know this is hard to believe I've been in college/ university for several years. And I have never had to take it, I've always taken industrial math or other types of math. I'm one of those guys whose changed majors a lot. From the schools i have checked, the course is around 3 to 5 hundred. I go to a private school now and I am not willing to pay there prices for this course. So is there any good cd-roms? or online sources I can learn this from? I am also willing to buy or pay anything within reason. A side not I need this more as a refresher than to learn it

How do I pay attention in class and not just think about the girls in the class?

just focus, if you can't control yourself and focus then change classes with less girls in it or just sit up the front by yourself

Should I work a Cursillo team while going through infertility treatments?

I am seeking opinions from people who have worked Cursillo teams before. Cursillo is a refresher course in Christianity. It is an amazing experience-I have worked one before. It's a lot of work and can be stressful, but also very spiritually fulfilling. I have already gone through one round of IVF that ended in a chemical pregnancy and and just now starting a frozen embryo transfer cycle. I just can't decide if I should work this team while doing infertility treatments! It means meeting one day a month for 6 months and lots of little projects and planning on the side, as well as taking time off of work for the actual long weekend. Those of you who have worked a Cursillo team, do you think I should do this while trying to get pregnant? It is not the act of IVF that is possibly keeping me from working the team, my whole church is very supportive and so is the Cursillo community, it is just the possibility of added stress. I don't go to a Catholic church, I go to an Episcopalian church. Oh, and our Cursillo community is both Catholic and Protestant. :)

Can I use color refresher a week after dying my hair?

Its Natural Instincts week 2 color refresher, obviously it says week TWO but would it be okay to use it a week before? I really need my hair to look its best for something. It says on the site it can be used whenever the color needs to be refreshed and it needs to now, so any ideas?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Do i have to put a 1995 radio in my 1995 dodge ram 1500?

i have a 1995 dodge ram 1500 but i dont really wanna have to put an ancient radio unit in it i have a custom dash trim made from fiberglass and i specificly want this radio (Pioneer DEH-P5200HD CD Receiver with HD Radio and iPod Direct Control) how the hell would i wire this to still have my subs?

How are eunuchs and courtesans related?

I'm in a play called A Funny Thing Happened on the Way To The Forum, and I'm playing a courtesan. In the "whore house" that I live in, the eunuchs seem to be almost like servants to the owner of the house and the courtesans. I just don't understand why men without genitalia are necessary in a whore house. Can anyone give me an answer to this? Also, the play takes place in ancient Rome.

What percentage of Americans are starting to see that the EU model of government serving the People is a very?

I have an online friend in Germany. He doesn't seem as happy as you think he is. He does computer security stuff, but he can't afford a house or car. He's 32, lives with his folks, has no social life, just work and home.

What is a good overview book on investment management?

I'm starting an internship very soon at an investment management company, and I could use a refresher, to say the least. I'm looking for a concise book that explains the basics of investing (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, options, etc) so I don't sound like an idiot when I show up to work. Preferably a book available in ebook form. I suppose a sufficiently detailed web article would work as well. Thanks, from my boss as well haha.

Is there a movie with magic johnson in it?

I remember a scene where magic johnson magically produces a piece of chalk out of thin air. Was it a movie, commercial or what?

Americanos losing 4 war at one time? Is it a World record?

Afganistan, Iraq, Libya and Yemen? USA still losing war i see.....chalk another loss on the loser board!

Bush Pilots, I need some help & Advice please.?

What you want may be possible, but not probable. You are getting a tad long in the tooth for such an adventuresome plan. Any way, good luck. I wish you well.

No Fathers Day for me?

My wife and 13 year old daughter are on vacation in Brazil. This Fathers day I am home with my 28 year old son. he has never so much as bought me a card for my birthday, christmas or fathers day.He has been living back home for the past year with his 2 & 3 year old children. no wife. i have been there for him his whole life with money and support even when he makes mistakes like the ones i have tried to prevent that got him jobless, homeless, wifeless and two kids he cant handle by himself. my daughter left me a card hidden in her room that she called me and told me to go look for. but my son has a Sense of entitlement that goes beyond comprehension. should I feel bad that he has no appreciation or just chalk it up to ignorance?

I think I may have scurvy...?

If you have petechiae, and a bloody-nose, something is wrong with your blood, or something very wrong is in your blood, you need to go to your doctor again.

Why do people deny the reality of circumcision?

Circumcision started at the end of the 1800's when the Jews came here in droves. They did it so people would't be able to distinquish between Jews and whites and it's caused untold sufferingand should be outlawed. The Jews do so many perverted things and causing so much pain to a new born child must be stopped.

Medical waivers and the Air Force?

I don't see what the problem is, if you haven't been diagnosed with anything, then don't bring up your pill usage or hand tremors. You have absolutely no way of getting in trouble.

Suicidal at 13? Help, anyone?

When I was 13 I got picked on n never had many friends n it very hard but ppl do care for u n sometimes ppl don't show that they care cuz they may have a problem when ppl bully u stand up to them n be a ***** to them n they will slowly stop stick up for ur self u matter hang in there u can do this also it might help to talk to a professional on suicide u r an amazing n wounderful person don't let anyone else say different tell them off if they do u Can do it

Christians from where does this resurection concept come in the noodle book?

Resurrection is really not a hard concept to understand: it's the giving of immortal physical life to one who was physically dead. Your question seems to be more about the origins of its importance for Christianity. It arose from within the Jewish worldview as a concrete expression of the goodness and power of the God of Israel. He created the world good, but man sinned and stuffed it up. His result/punishment was death, both emnity with God and physical death. However, that same God is gracious, so we can expect him to reverse the condition of death in his creation. He is the only one who has the power to do it, too. This ultimately leads to the personal expectation of resurrection---which is a restoration to immortal physical life. Resurrection is the solution to the problem of death.

Why/how do ancient cities get buried?

I am especially interested in places that are not close to any e.g. volcanoes. Often cities get discovered with well preserved structure, no obvious damage but are wholly buried under many metres of ground. How does that happen?

Does he like me did he, does he still?! Please answer I can't get him off my mind!?

I started out with me liking someone else and talking to him just cause he seemed nice. him is gonna be E. the guy i liked at first is gonna be S. Then the talks got longer, funnier and more exact each others opinion. Then I would catch E. staring at me in class and we would have this weird eye contact moments that's when i would catch myself thinking, "Do i like him or S.?" I didn't know where my heart belonged I didn't really know what doing it was weird. then He started trying to teach me things and impress me with his art and graffiti like name drawings. He started trying to make me laugh and it was obvious because he would often glance at me after he did something. then I knew I liked him. Then it started becoming apparent that he liked another girl too! I was so confused. He would talk about her all the time and stopped staring at me and stopped trying to impress me and make me laugh. Instead he said I was annoying and mocked me all the time, and got to the point he was bullying me. When he sometimes passed stuff out in class he would hit me with it.Or sneak up on me and pull me out of my seat or pull and push my seat until I fell out. One time he held the door for me and I thought, "That's weird." Then he tried to close it on me real fast I jumped through but my arm got in the way and it shut on it. It hurt. And another guy opened the door for me and pushed E. out of the way, and there was a huge bruise on my arm for a long time. If I was sitting on the ground doing something or zoning out into something he would stomp on my shoes. That's when I got up and yelled, "You act like a sixth grader!" and I pushed him and walked away.That's when I hated him but liked him at the same time. The next week, after p.e. I was digging in some mud with a stick because it had rained and I was bored. then all a sudden I felt someone's hands on my ribs and the someone picked me up and swooped me over some mud and I started screaming so the someone put me back on the ground. I turned around really fast and it was E.! He pointed at me with his axe and started laughing. And I gave him a mean look and walked away. One day my friend told me that she asked, E. who he likes, and he said "It's ovbious I don't like _ anymore" ( the dash thing is the girl he liked) THen one day all these boys cut in front of me when I was going to get something to eat in the lunch line when I was talking to E. and I was like "Okay all of you just like cut in front of me." And of S. happend to be one of them and he was like "your point?" and E. was like "Yea she's right you guys need to move." and they didn't so E. pushed them all out of the way and he was like holding them back and stuff and he was like, "Okay Kylie you can go now." And I was so shocked I just kind of stood there and the lunch lady got so mad. And then I knew he liked me and I didn't hate him anymore. We never dated though I never knew why he didn't ask me out. On my birthday when i turned fifteen He didn't tell me happy birthday. then maybe a month passed and I guess intentionally i was playing hard to get and he stopped looking at me. And after while I stopped looking at him and I guess he doesn't like me anymore because he's liking the same girl again and telling everyone how annoying I am. But then a week later one day before the last day of school he was super nice to me and he drew my name with chalk on the the pull in to school thing. and he went on my team when we were playing stuff. and then the last day of school he went to ignoring me again. then maybe an hour before everyone said good bye i started crying because so many people were not coming back the next year and we both weren't coming back. ANd he started staring at me when everyone was signing my year book and i asked him too and he smiled at me and looked into my eyes and said sure. And then after that he was leaving and he hugged the other girl he liked in my face. I know he doesn't like me but I can't get over him I know he acted like a jerk but we've had so many memories, i can't say them all because i don't have enough room I know this is very long but he so complicated and I need to know if he liked me or if he did or he was just being nice. i just have to know. Please answer. I'm so heart broken over it.

How many days does it take to start seeing tanning results?

OUTDOOR tanning. not tanning beds. I'm going on vacation soon and i want to get a little color so i don't look like chalk..haha. so i'm just wondering how many "tanning sessions" i have to have before i start seeing results. Thanks! :)

Did you ever expect J K Rowling to self-publish her ebooks?

yeah I did, why? Well if she sells them from her own website that means she doesn't have to pay any commission which means more money for her! Greedy little woman she is

What does human urine contain?

i don't want to be called disgusting so dont. about a month ago on may 4th 2011 i had drunk 3 pepsi's and some beer. when i got to my job they had a lockdown situation for about 4 hours and i needed to pee but the cops wouldnt let me out in the hallway so i grabbed the pepsi bottle and urinated inside of it. of course i still had to pee after that but it was a relief to let some of it out after 4 hours. so anyways when i peed it smelled normal and i sealed the bottle and put it in my drawer. Today about 1 month after in peed in the bottle i remembered it, so my co-worker decided it would be funny to draw a penis on my car in "chalk paint" so about an hour ago at 10 p.m when my shift was over i grabbed the bottle and unleashed hell onto his grey toyota Prius. i poured it all over his door handle and the roof of his car which scurried down his windshield I expected it to be normal piss but i realized it had turned cloudy and after sitting in a 80 degree room for a month it had little clear chunks and debris inside and it looked sticky on his car. and it had a very weird and foul smell ,it smelled nothing like pee. it kinda smelled like a mixture of expired butter and ammonia with a hint of fish stew. anyways i got the hell out of there but can someone explain to me why pee changed smell in a month. what does urine contain?

In all states, are college courses numbered under 100 still considered "refresher courses" and not count?

When I went to college, only classes with a course number of 100 and above actually counted toward the overall GPA. My gf is in Cali and she wonders if maybe courses numbered under 100 actually count toward the GPA there. Example: MAH108 vs. MAH070

Is it to early to take a test?

My lmp was May 26 we have been ttc for a few months and I've been experiencing some weird things. I had some very strong cramping, had dizzy spells, and one day last week when I woke up I went to the bathroom and wiped and there was bright red blood but no more blood after that, some very odd breast tenderness. My period isn't due til the 26th so although these seem like period symptoms but its to early for that. So when should I take a test or should I chalk this up to early period symptoms?

Ancient treasure legends?

i forgot the pirates name but supposedly in 1800 (I think??) off the coast of california there was a storm and the treasure sunk into the ocean.NO one has ever found it

Changing Majors...Good Idea ?

Is it odd to suddenly change your majors in College I am 27 and I was afraid to take the leap but since I was studying more and looking into my old major Radiology Tech I thought that if I changed my major to a Registered Nurse that it will help boost my attitude change I was barely getting through my classes passing with a minimum of a C and I looked into RN and I thought hmm thats something that I really want to do instead of just taking x-rays its just not my passion I can't see myself doing that for the rest of my life I am a people person and I love to interact with people. Although I am 27 now I havn't started the X-ray Tech Program just yet my husband was telling me that if I am having cold feet I need to make the change now before I start all of these pre-reqs,I have just got back into college a year ago. Is it weird that I am 27 and figuring all of this out I feel lost sometimes but now since I had a change of heart for my career path I am excited. Shouldn't it feel this way rather just going with the flow to get from point A to point B ? I know that lot of people do not go back to college right away, I am one of those but hey its never too late right ? Any nurses out there please inform me how the feild is I am excited to get out there I just wish I could get a refresher on how the feild is really like.

My neighbor runs a day care out of her house. Everytime I come home there are several children?

using my drive way as home plate for kick ball. Sometimes the ball hits my garage door. Also i planted lily flowers on Sunday to find all the heads tore of on Tuesday. I also have chalk writing on my drive way, garage (sometimes), and mail box(sometimes). The daycare lady just sits there and watches this happen ( i am assuming). How do i go about telling her to keep her freakin children off my property? I just bought this house with my fiance in December and have no children of my own... but i am constantly out there picking up chalk pieces, shoes, garbage and watering my driveway down daily to clear off the chalk mess! I dont want to seem like a ***** but enough is enough!

Where can I find a good recipe for leg of pork with calf brains and sausage?

I used to have a recipe for leg of pork with calf brains and sausage I found doing research for an ancient roman cooking project in latin class in highschool, I've moved several times and now I can't find it. I've tried searching the web but I come up empty. It was awesome, it made like 20-30 pounds of food and it was gone in less than an hour, people came from all over the building to try it. Anyway, having come up with nothing myself on the web I'm hoping someone knows where it can be found and can help me out.

Need help with an idea!?

okay so I love the saying "if you don't hope for wat is hopeless, you are never going to get it" and I was going to get it in ancient greek(because that person who said this was from a long time ago) going down my spine, but its really long! Any ideas of how to get the same message but shorter? Thanks :)

Can somebody please help me with this sewing pattern?

I've never used a template... instead I do this: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a or a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Would the neighbors get mad if I colored my entire driveway in chalk?

I really want to color my entire driveway using chalk. We don't share a driveway with anyone else, it's our own driveway on our own yard for our own house. But somebody said that the neighbors might get mad? I don't see why. I'm not drawing any pictures. I'm just going to color every brick on my driveway a different color, just for fun. Do you think they'll get mad?

If I get a tune up, what will they do?

Im just wondering what all goes into a basic tune up for a vehicle? I have a squeal coming from my fan belt, i dont think its anything other than the belt is loose, im just wondering if that will be taken care of in the tune up? My truck just needs a little bit of a refresher. :) Any info helps, Thanks!!

Does this sound like a good way to train him?

I had a fat, herd bound, pushy, bossy, disrespectful mare. She would balk and crow hop out on the trials and spook. It was a night mare and I couldn't afford a trainer. Then I found this article at Horse& called Clinton Anderson's Lunging for Respect. It takes you step by step from the very beginning of the lunging process to where you are really just changing direction not just mindless circling. It has pictures and everything and is simple to use. I love it! It changed my life with my mare. Now she treats me like a trusted friend no more pushy, bossy, and the crow hopping and balking just went away by themselves without me having to ride any differently. It takes just a little faithful practice and you start seeing results right away. You really should at least check it out.

Its been 3 months since I passed my driving test?

After passing my test I have'nt drove at all, now I am thinking of refresher driving course, but my friends said that its a stupid idea?

Refresher: What is the real reason Duran why quit in his fight against SRL?

I felt that the real reason Duran quit against Leonard was simply because Leonard was beating the daylights out of him by not fighting. He got into Duran's head, Duran couldn't bully him against the ropes or get Leonard to stand and trade like he did in the first fight, Duran was being taunted and embarrassed mercilessly by Leonard, he just threw up his hands and said "No quiero pelear con el payaso" (I will not fight with this clown) and just quit.

Is this a good Team to defeat Ghetsis on pokemon Black?

meinfoo evolves at lv 50 and you can choose wich ones you would like to use to beat ghetsis i have the list of pokemon he uses in the final battle click on the link. and i dont know another site instead of pokeCharms srry

What? explain this please?

ok im buddhist and there is this very strict christian on my bus (im 14 and live in PA) and yes i know A LOT about other religions so dont tel me i dont know. ok well i was talking to her about being buddhist and she was like "youre going to hell, meditating is a sin, not following god is a sin. and blablabla" any way please explain how the f any of that is a so called sin. i mean really, if any of the stuff in the bible wasnt just made up to explain things like the ancient greeks did. then explain science. and also they are said to have found jesus's bones which means he didnt really rise from the dead. and also (sorry im ranting here) but if this religion was real then why would "god" make his people murder other people in his name or just because they dont follow him? can someone explain

Why do I think about him all the time? And him not texting back...Is that bad?

Well... He probably got distracted it happens. Sometimes we can txt a person thinking they got it but didnt. Or he could have misplace the phone or could have died or something. I don't think he's trying to be smart. Give it some time if he didnt get it txt again make sure he got it but afterward 3 or 4 times yeah I would be worried cuz he probably occupied his mine on something else. Guys are weird most of the time! Lol. don't take it too seriously though.

Do you considered this abuse or am I overreacting?

First of all, my husband has been abusive (I think) for most of our marriage. I have been scared to leave and other times things get better. He had an affair a few years ago and he agreed to go to counseling. The counselor thought he might be bi-polar so he sent him to a psychiatrist. So okay - that might explain a lot of the violent behavior. I have had my blouses torn, money hidden, car keys taken, phone broken, a cat that we loved thrown outside to be eaten (my daughters cat), tires slashed, a dog we loved thrown off the deck cause he got mad at her, I could go on and on. Threatened that if I left everything would be broken and he would find me. Well since the diagnosis he has been mostly better. I have chalked it up to dealing with a sick man. I have tried to be supportive but I am at my end now. Here is the current situation: my daughter, her boyfriend and their baby moved in temporarily. he had a rule don't leave soft drinks laying around downstairs. thats fine. But he blew up because there was one in the GARBAGE CAN with a lid on it. Then he blew up cause he they left one downstairs overnight. Granted it is lazy not to take it upstairs and throw it away. the boyfriend was lazy a few times - but he did throw them away the next day. well before the final blow up, my cat of 14 years was being mistreated by the other bigger cat. according to my husband she was really messed up. So I said separate them, the kids are taking the other cat when the move (which was in a couple of weeks). He said okay - then when I got home from work he told me that the cat was in the field. Huh? apparently he did not separate them and the cat went after the other cat again. well my husband got mad. the cat ran downstairs and hid but my husband yanked him out of his hiding place and strangled him. Too much anger I think. there was no reason for that. He could have put the other one in the crate or in the bedroom til I could get home and take care of it. It was senseless. Then a month later - my kids were packing to move all weekend. everything was okay at this point. we had moved on somewhat. My husband waited til they went to work then went downstairs. mind you everything is in disarray - packing usually does that. Well he saw one can on the desk and flipped. He wrote in red marker on an important document' this don't belong here'. I just begged please let it go - they are moving in 4 days. he said he don't care and he is going to do worse. So he picked a trash can and poured the trash on their floor by their bed (in the walkway) and took another trash bag and put it on their bed and left it there all day. He says it was justified. when my daughter got home she blew up and left abruptly with the baby and said they will never step foot in the house again. And thats been true for 4 months now. She is afraid what my grandbaby will see or hear. or even be hurt. I don't think he will hurt our grandbaby but who knows. I did not think he would kill my cat either. So since I have to go visit my grandbaby where she lives he decided that until I fix it, he is going to torment me about until I break. He said that I have to agree that it was right. and until I do he is going to make argue with me until i break. And he said that since I caused the problem that I have to fix it. doesn't sound like a sane person does it. I said I understand that you got upset, but I will never agree that it was right the way it was handled. You don't belittle somebody like that. So then he poured trash on our living room floor at 5:00 am Sat, pushed me, and grabbed me. I had to leave at 5 in the morning because i had to get away. Yesterday broke some sentimental items in the driveway (which I am sure everybody heard). He is spending money like it is water and says he won't do anything around the house until I admit he is right. It had died down for a couple of weeks but he is now ticked off cause none of his kids called him yesterday. Nobody knows when he is likely to snap. He doesn't think that coming in from work at 3:00 in the morning waking me up and yelling at me about something I cannot control is not abuse. I think him trying to tell me what to say and think is abuse. I also think that him blaming me for anything that is wrong with the kids and our relationship is abuse. he is not making any effort to correct anything. in fact he said that I owe him an apology for ruining our marriage. huh? I tried to keep peace and he just wants to push things as far as he can. Am I overreacting? Does this sound like abuse to you? I tried to explain that if it was just the trash thing it would have been no big deal. But its his history. and how he continually torments me now. He just keeps saying that no adult can be mentally abused by another adult. He just laughs. He doesn't get the big picture.

Americanos losing 4 war at one time? Is it World record?

Afganistan, Iraq, Libya and now Yemen? USA still losing war i see.....none of these will be won. chalk another loss on the loser board!

Monday, July 18, 2011

(Repost of martyred question) Who got in a time machine and placed a new item a million years in the past...?

There are some 'what if' questions that are just too preposterous to ponder. Especially when you're getting terribly worried about what will happen to all the time capsules buried in the Blue Peter garden now Broadcasting House is going on the market.

From which website where i can refreshers and guides for 9th class?

i want a 9th class refresher of maths , science , social , Hindi and English of Dhanpat Rai publications or any other publications in pdf , doc or ppt format . so tell me the websites where i can get it free. otherwise i want to purchase these books online at low cost or at second hand rate or second hand book please help me please

When should I plant these watermelons?

There are two packets of watermelon seeds that I have, and I need to know when to plant them. The kinds are "royal refresher hybrid" and "Bush Sugar Baby." I live in the piedmont region of someone needs to know more, then I will edit question, thanks!

Has anyone else ever experienced "exploding head syndrome"?

cool info. No, I never had this happened, and honestly have never heard of it before. Now I know.......Thanks for the post.

Do you miss the old school nickelodeon shows?

I really miss the former Nickelodeon programs. I mostly miss the cartoons as I love Animated Television Programs. I also liked the show Are you Afraid of the Dark. I so wish Nickelodeon could just re-air the majority of the former shows all the time rather than the new ones.

I don't know what to do.. A levels or Hair and Beauty?

You could do your a levels and then take a gap year personally I'd stay in school and get my alevels done cos once you leave school its quite difficult to get back into it again

What instrument should I play?

I'm 14 and have had a little bit of music experience, but my friend plays guitar, so if I need a refresher, I'm assuming I could ask her. I'd like to learn something different or sad sounding (because I'm cool like that). I live in a small town, so lessons might be a little hard to come by. In terms of money something under 250 would probably be good. I was thinking of the ukulele, accordion, violin, or flute. THANKS!!! :D

Catching Fire AR Test?

Does anyone remember the questions to the Cacthing Fire by Suzanne Collins AR Test? If so could you please telll me which ones you remember? It took me a while to read the book, so I'm hoping to get a little memory refresher of the begining/middle! Thanks soooo much!

Why does it feel like i physically NEED a hug?

Let me start off by saying that my father died a year and a half ago when i was only 13, almost 14. He did give me hugs pretty much everyday, like any father would hug his daughter. I'm not sure if thats part of my problem or not. Lately, ive been feeling like a physically NEED a hug, like i just want one so bad. I know what you're thinking; what about ur bff? Well, the truth is that while we do have a good relationship and we tell each other everything, we've only hugged once when i was really upset and crying. I just chalk it up to that she's not a physical person, which i understand. But I on the other hand, love hugs. But i havent been getting many. So my question is; why do you think i feel like i NEED to have a hug, and what is it about the human touch that makes us feel like we NEED it so bad (is there like a science to it or something)?

Who else wished that the Rugrats stayed Regular?

I agree. I miss Rugrats, Rocket Power, All That, The Amanda Show, etc. There used to be so many good shows on Nickelodeon and now every show on there is stupid. I'm 16 but I'd definitely watch Nick again if they had real shows on like they did 10 years ago.

Basic motorcycle course more than once?

repeat the MSF? With 2 years of riding - you may get some more out of course, might understand why some things are emphasized-as in wear protective gear in case of falling on gravel. Good idea, the local instructor course used to have the requirement of going through the basic course again first , then came the 'how to teach what you've just gone through' sessions. Helps when beginners ask questions about 'why is instructor getting on cycle from right side instead of left?'. Latest course will have latest laws also- as in zero tolerance for drunks, night riding restrictions or new insurance cards required for cycles, police suggest behavior when sirens and lights in mirror start flashing, latest CPR drill..

Home by ourselves and I want to bond?

me and my sister are at home by our selves and its like SUPER hot outside. I want to spend more time together but im 13 and shes 15 so she doesn't want to spend time with her stupid younger sister unless shes watching tv in the living room and I sit quietly watching r on the computer. I want to do something fun but we cant leave the house and like I said its super hot but we don't have air conditioning in our house besides our play room (finished attic) that we haven't used for years. Even if we did go up there to stay cool what would we do? there's no computer and no tv, just a small chalk board ripped stuffed animals and our brothers old lego sets. What can we do?

Does anyone know of an ASL dictionary website that is not video?

I can't run videos on my computer very well so I really need a picture ASL dictionary just like in the ASL textbooks. So far all I have been able to find has been for finger spelling and it is really aggravating. I am just looking for a refresher in vocabulary so I can go and get my interpreters license. It has been a few years since I have needed to use sign language so I want to make sure I remember it all.

Power series refresher?

It's been a while. Can someone please show me how to find the power series expansion of 1/(1+t^3) at t=0?

Do firefighter certifications transfer between states?

I'm looking into becoming a volly firefighter in my home town in NJ. I was going to take firefighter 1 the last month of summer, then i'd be certified and a FF in NJ. However, in september, i'm going to school in Geneseo, NY. I heard they have a student run first responder group there, which you would probably need certification for. Question being, if i wanted the certification both in NJ and NY is there any easy way to go about it where as after getting one i will only need a refresher or something for the other?

Babysitting an 18 mo. old at a church; what do I need to bring?

The girl I'm babysitting, Chloe, is very well-contained, although her attention span is just that of her age. Since it's at a church, all they have are some old, used toys in the nursery, although I don't feel they'll provide much towards Chloe and her spunky personality. I know of a spot in the church where there's balloons, bubbles, and sidewalk chalk so we could go outside and play with those. But if it rains, there's some books to read and such. However, I need to know if I need to talk some snacks, etc. I'm already bringing some band-aids, and some child-friendly CDs to listen to if she happens to get bored. Other than that, I don't know what else to bring. Any pointers?

Aren’t America’s union members similar to “moderate” Muslims?

Absolutely. They are both victims of captialist oppression who should be much more vociferous in standing up for their rights.

Who misses CatDog, Rocket Power, Kenan and Kel, Hey Arnold, etc.?

yes some of the shows were awesome and some modern shows suck, and yes it would by nice to go back to the "good ol' shows" as you called it.

Looking for the identity of a B-movie I saw many years ago when I was a little kid.Never seen it on TV since.?

.Believe it's in black and white.Probably the 50's.These three guys crash their plane or helicopter in the desert.They discover an ancient civilization beneath the desert.They kill one guy.Then in this ritual,they put his body on a pallet and dunk him in molten gold turning him into a life-size Oscar statue.

What are some good training drill games for soccer goalkeepers?

Buy one of those springgy thinggys where you throw a ball at it and it flings it back in a random direction... xD btw add me on league of legends : qlayer

What do you think of my verse: NYPD State of Mind?

I wasn't really sold that it was from the point of view of a cop. I understood the angle, but I think it should have been presented with more precision and less Alonzo from Training Day mixed with Trick Trick.

How soon do early pregnancy symptoms begin?

Okay I am asking way early on, but my husband and I are trying to conceive. We had sex on the 2 days which I was ovulating in hopes that a pregnancy would begin. With my first pregnancy, we weren't trying, so I cannot recall when the symptoms began, but I know that I had sore breasts and fatigue pretty early on. But I didn't chalk those up to pregnancy, and found out after my period was 2 weeks late. So I am wondering how soon symptoms will begin and what are the normal early pregnancy symptoms! Thank you ladies!

Who here remembers the Sage Rosenfels helicopter dive in that game vs the Colts a few years ago?

The only people who could not remember something from the 08 are bandwagons who only watch the team they ride.

Can i use side walk chalk on the road?

ok i live in northport fl.. i want to run sprints for soccer do u think ill get in trouble if i draw lines indicating every five yard on the road??

How to make life allergic to dust easier?

Ok so... firstly have you been to an allergy specialist? They can generally give you advice on how to deal with your allergies. Try taking anti-histamine tablets when you feel really bad and changing your lifestyle (not drastically). Use pillow covers on your pillows before you put on the pillow slip. Use blankets instead of duvets and change your sheets regularly. Try and stay inside when there is a high pollen count or when someone is mowing the lawn. If that is not possible, wash your face and hands after going outside. As to the eraser shavings I have no suggestions to that but don't give up on something because of your allergies. As for being a doctor... go for it. Doctors are not perfect and chances are because you are closer to the situation you will be able to relate to people with allergies and at the same time you might be able to find out more about them and ways to stop them getting really bad. If you want to be a doctor GO FOR IT! Seriously! Life can be tough when you have allergies but keep your head high and do what you love. Hope that helps :)

How to make it easier to dance barefoot?

Well im entering in a pageant, and for talent i am doing a dance to Jar of Hearts by Christina Perry, and i am going to dance with bare feet. Now i have a really sharp turn i really have to ace, any advice besides practice? I practice every day on a wood surface (since that is the stage surface) and wearing dance shoes which i have doesn't look very good with the costume. Is there any... hmm chalk that you can put on your feet to make it ease? i really need some help! Thanks

Water pipe bursts in apartment?

Last night, the upstairs apartment's water pipe burst, and water leaked all over my apartment. Luckily, none of my belongings were damaged; however, it is not cold in NY in June, so I'm chalking it up to piss poor building inspection. This is not the only problem I have had with this apartment, and I would finally like to break my lease. Can anyone locate some information (website reference?) as to how I can break my lease without penalty?

Painting paneling. Remove or paint over trim?

I am thinking about painting over my paneling in my den. Should I paint over the trim that is used in the corners where the paneling meets? or should I remove it and chalk it ?

Reviews on log functions and exponential?

The basic log properties like log(x*y) = log x + log y and y=a^x if and only if log[base a](y) = x and calculus the definitions of logs of base a are given in terms of the natural log(LN) and natural exponent(e)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Question about Stargate, Ra? help me please?

I have a question about Stargate The Movie (1994) . On the other planet, where the Ancient Egyptians were enslaved by the alien/Ra. Some people said that the alien was pretending to be Ra/The Sun God of Egyptian, but some think that the alien was Ra. He was Ra and forced the people to worship him. which one is your opinion? Did the alien create Ra for himself or he was pretending to be Ra to make the people on the planet working for him. I think the alien was Ra, he was the Sun God because he came to earth earlier and create the civilization. so he must have created Ra for himself as well. what do you think?

Do I need the factory harness to install my new radio?

I want to put a new receiver in my '86 4Runner to replace the ancient Clarion after-market receiver I have in it now. However, I don't have the original mounting brackets and have no clue where to get them. Do I need the original brackets to install it?

40 hour hazwoper vs 8 hour HAZWOPER SUPERVISOR?

I have an osha 40 hazwoper certificate and an osha 8 hour hazwoper supervisor certificate. does anyone knows if I have to take the refresher for both or just one of them after one year?

Things to do outside with young kids?

I am 14 years old and about twice a week I babysit two girls ages 3 and 5. I babysit during week days so the dad is at work and the mom is usually just running around town getting things done. But the days that she wants to clean the house without the kids I'm not really sure what to do with them. They're bored of the usual pool, bubble, chalk, tag ect. I cant drive them to like a park or anything since I don't have a license so I need something to do in the back yard. Any ideas?

Why has ancient civilizations influenced us today?

The Greeks influenced us with domes, columns, democracy, and more. The Romans influenced our numbers and letters. The Chinese influenced our paper, weapons, and fireworks. And much, much, more. :)

Not trolling. True story. Haven't been with a man in over 3 years...?

finally something real and not a 14 year old asking does he like?.... ok so its hard to say.. u might be a bit rusty having it been so long since the last time.. but you shouldnt worry about it unless its gonna be a one time deal.. id say you should wait for someone you like.. but if your anything like me and looks like you are.. you might have to wait for it.. u can go out and find any guy to just do it... wouldnt you rather have some feeling in it... if not then just find the next thing..

Should I go to the University of Southern Indiana (USI a 4 year university) or Ivy Tech (Community College)?

Visit the campuses. Talk to advisers. See if you can sit in on a class or two. See the link below about how credits do or do not transfer between Indiana colleges.

Deliberate Nomad, will you C/C please?

Very well written and enjoyable. I'm not sure I understand the meaning just yet but I will. LOL Well done my beautiful friend.

Consequences for teepeeing?!?

Last night my friends and i teepeed this girl who we HATE. But we didnt only put toilet paper. We chalked and said some really mean things and we put shaving cream and forks and syrup in her yard. We didnt do any real damage but we said some really mean things and called her a "barbie *****" and talked about how she has a hairy vagina. Haha. But she's saying on facebook that she had video cameras and that she went to the cops but i doubt it. Im realllllly freaking out cause i play volleyball at my school and i dont want to get kicked off. And on facebook she liked all of our pictures together and "poked" one of my friends that was with me. We're freaking out cause i dont want to get in serious trouble. Should we fess up?

How do you say "love" in ancient egyptian language?

im not looking for arabic or hieroglyphics. i am thinking about getting a tattoo with a egyptian lotus flower in the background. im just looking for the word love. it needs to be ancient egyptian like in the "the mummy" movies.

How did ancient civilizations decide who had power?

i'm doing a project on why people want power over other people and a key question i have for the project is how ancient people decided who their leader was. if you can help i would be very happy :) thanks

Would you please help me with the days of the week?

Please help! Don't make me watch that Rebecca Black video for a refresher course. today was Thursday. What is "tomorrow"? I want to say Sunday, but it just doesn't sound quite right. Help a brotha out?

Searching for a porn movie similar to "Ancient Secrets of Kamasutra"?

Searching for a porn movie whose theme is similar to "Ancient Secrets of Kamasutra". In this female characters are dressed in satin indian style dress. Can anyone tell the name??????

Help! tons of pain during my period.?

my periods give me a lot of cramps, and i can't carry a heating pad to class. Advil and tylenol didn't help, and the only thing i can do is go home, and fall asleep. My cramps only disappear when i'm asleep. I can't stay at school either, because i get lightheaded, and according to my friends, i turn almost chalk-white. i'm normally very tan. when it gets very painful, i start sweating nonstop, and see little white stars everywhere. What can i do to help the pain go away?

If an ancient scroll was found that showed that the New Testament was falsified how would you react?

Let's assume for example an ancient scroll that was radio carbon dated, matched all the forensics for being on the correct date, showed that the New Testament was written by a group of say King Herod's civil servants as a way to recruit Jewish diaspora members to help him fight to regain control of Israel from the Romans, and it clearly stated that Jesus was an invented figure. All the newspapers, academics, politicians, and many of your church friends are convinced and lose their faith over it. How would you feel and what would you think this might cause you to lose faith as well?

I Need some advice for my hybrid pure on runescape?

i am 50 attack, 78 strength 1 defence 76 range 85 mage 70 hp 13 prayer cb lvl 60. and i did dessert treasure so i have ancients and im not sure what stats i should aim for next. i dont have the time to get 99's so should i get 85 range/80 str or what stats would be good cause im getting bored and thinking about getting defence


hey so im doing an alvin ailey audition in two days and i need a refresher on the fortifications. just 1 and 2 only. if you could give counts that would be great. THANKS SO MUCH!

What are some fun things for a 13 year old girl to do outside ALONE?

Okay so I live in the middle of nowhere... I dont own any types of balls or bikes or anything.. I dont wanna go into the woods because ill get ticks or somthing.. I dont have any friends that live close or that could ever come.. I dont want to just sit their and read because I dont have any books.. I dont have any sidewalks and If I want to take a walk I couldnt because I wouldnt be able to go any where.. I dont have chalk either So IDK what to do.. Other than take pictures wich gets boring.. I havnt left my room/house in 8 days...

Is the Spanish CLEP test in Latin American Spanish or Castilian Spanish?

I want to CLEP out of Spanish, but need to do a quick refresher. I'd like to know which form of Spanish is on the CLEP exam.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

At what weight would a pvc tube fail?

Here's a little mechanics of materials refresher for ya! I have a PVC tube about 20' long. The OD is about 6.6" and the ID is 6.1". We'll say the tensile strength of PVC is about 7000 psi. Assuming you completely filled up the inside of the tube with a material similar to concrete and have it hanging vertically, (how it hangs is of no importance) how much load would it take to cause this tube to fail?

Do you think the Bible contains the whole of God's message to people?

I am curious if you think that it is possible that God said everything that needed said to humankind in the books of the Bible or do you think that he might still be "speaking" to people in this day and age? Men physically wrote the Bible so it is hard to believe that they didn't put it into the context of the knowledge/customs of the people at that time period. My understanding is that some books of the Bible were rewritten, excluded, and probably modified to some extent at some point in history, or am I wrong about that? So the real question is do you think that God would stop speaking to us because I would think that God would want us to understand the message rather than hang on the exact words that ultimately were the work of a flawed human understanding of the message. Why aren't there prophets anymore? Does anyone else think that it possible that as humans have advanced in science and our understanding of the universe that God's message to us right now might differ from the message that was delivered to man all those years ago. I don't mean that the core message has changed but our understanding of exact details might shift. An example is "be fruitful and multiply" which would make sence in ancient times where the world didn't have 6 billion people. Do you think God might be wanting to tell us, whoa, ok you got that part figured out, now chill out on it because you are starting to destroy the rest of my creation. All opinions are welcome even for athiests that might have considered this but I don't need preached at so please just give me your personal opinion rather than quoting a bunch of Bible verses or saying God doesn't exist, (you can just pretend he/she does). This question includes any other religions too, Christianity is just the one I am somewhat familiar with. 10 pts to the most honest answer (that I like :D ).

BAD or GOOD idea for a story? (Fairly short)?

That sounds really good! Although don't make the romance part too overly dramatic. And for the title out of your two I think I like Paused better. Or maybe When Time Stood Still. Anyway it sounds good, keep working on it!

I love eating chalk and fulleris earth (multani mitti)?

plzzzz suggest me any dat i can get rid of it....!plzzzzzz help....!can any1 tell me from where i can get tabasheer....!

Is this team ready for the pokemon league in pearl?

As long as you pack plenty of items and level up on the way you're fine. watch out for spiritomb though, it has no weaknesses

Should I take the SAT2 this Saturday or postpone it?

I'm a sophomore and in advanced math, so I'm currently in honors pre-calculus. At the beginning of this year, my math teacher told us we should sign up for the math 2 SAT2 in June. I'm signed up for that and it's this Saturday. However, I just started studying for it about a week ago. I thought that I would have learned everything and would just need a refresher, but I actually haven't learned anything about 3-D geometry (at least not since geometry in 8th grade). I've been studying from the Sparknotes book, but I haven't had much time to study this week and I'm worried I'll barely know how to do anything on this test. I'm really good at pre-calc, but most of the geometry stuff I've had to teach myself and I'm not very good at it. I keep reading that this test is easy if you do well in honor's precalc which I do, but I'm not so sure it will be easy for me. Should I take it this Saturday and just retake it if I do badly or should I not waste my time and just postpone to October?

Parents, have you noticed that your friends that decided not to have children have very different lives?

I do not hang out with any of my friend who are childless. I talk to them rarely on the phone but never see them. And I have even noticed that my friends with teenagers going into high school are acting like they are childless and going out more and drinking. Things I don't want to do.

If i do the police academy in kansas can i be a cop in ohio?

I want to go to the police academy but my problem is my husband is in the army and we are going to be moving alot and im told the academy is different in each state so if i do the academy in kansas where we are stationed and he get restationed or he decides to get out and we move back home will i still be able to get a job? is there like a refresher course i can take or something?

Eating too many sweets?

Is it okay to have a few small sweets every now and then? The ones I have are usually like small chewy ones like refreshers, I have about 3-4 sometimes a day. I'm trying to stop, and I'm cutting back on a lot of food, but do you think these sweets are doing me bad? Thank you & any help is appreciated xx

Refresher: What was the basis of Floyd Sr. that he thinks Manny is on roids?

There's no real basis. These are just rumors as there are no facts that support anything that Sr. said. If there's a basis, then Manny would have been stripped with his title and suspended.

What's a cool, reasonably priced, non-cliche gift for a 3 year old boy who has a summer birthday?

A t-ball set (I think Little Tikes makes it), outdoor toys, slip 'n slide.. I get my nephew something to play with outside every year since his birthday is in April. It's the start of the outdoor play season where I live! (:

Allergic reaction to penicillin, blood blisters, will I be permanently disfigured?

No, not at all. You're lucky you stopped it after 10 days, this will in no way permanently disfigure you. See your doctor about the blood blisters. He can most likely give you a topical cream for them. Mine have always gone away. They are not permanent.

Re-certify as an EMT-B?

Ok so I am an EMT -B and my certifcation is up in 2012. I am join the military as an EMT so i will have to back through a full EMT-B course. I wanted to know if since it is a full course and not a refresher course will it count for the full 72 hours or will I have to do other things to re-certify.

Is having a racial preference like having a sexual preference?

I have heard it said that homosexuals and lesbians can not help their sexual preference, it is just a part of who they are and there is no control over it. My question is Could it be that a persons racial preference be chalked up to genetics as well? For example I have a friend who is Asian but refuses to date an Asian guy. She just doesn't find them attractive, simple as that. Is it self hate or could it be more?

Good ways to study math for tests?

My college has a math test that I need to score higer on if i ever want to graduate anytime soon. Currently i can only get into math 97 and really need to retake the test so i can bump up my placement score. But I have no knowledge of anything that could really help me. looking to get like enough info to score high enough to get into math 99 or so. Just really need a refresher course in math. Is their something online that could help?

Can't remember how to write an algebraic equation?

This site may help a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Taking acls refresher as initial course?

I accidentally registered for ACLS refresher course not having taken the course before. When I called to reschedule she said that every now and then people will take the refresher course to get it done in one day. Does anyone have any opinions on taking the 9 hour acls refresher course as my initial ACLS course? Is it going to be ridiculously hard, or can it be done? I'm a last semester RN student with little ECG background but have been studying the course material a lot.

Where did the dinosaurs go in the Bible?

So we, or I, know about how the Earth was created in seven days and then man came, and etc. But i'm confused. Where were all the dinosaurs in all this? I mean we have the bones to prove that they were here, and then we have all the ancient religions that proves that God (or some higher being..) was/is here. I'm a Christian, so, I believe in God but I'm not a die-hard Christian. I believe that other people's god(s) are basically the same as mine, so, feel free to enlighten me on this. Your theories are appreciated!

Can a non-RN license holder, who lives in the US, be eligible for the nurse refresher program/course?

Usually no. The refresher is generally a way to get some CEC (continuing education credits) to continue practicing as an RN. It can also be used if they were an RN holder in that state previously and let their license lapse depending on the state's procedures.

What is the feeling within Christians today ?

I mean Christianity was enforced on millions of people in ancient times during the Roman period.So what is the feeling amongst their modern Christian descendants today?

What is wrong with my kitten?

Today, we brought home an 8 week old kitten, and he doesn't seem to be doing so well. He is a little wobbly, and he doesn't move around much. Sometimes his eyes move rapidly up and down, and his head is bobbing along with them just slightly. When we went to go pick him up, he didn't seem to be this way at all, so i'm wondering if this can all be chalked up to stress, or if maybe there is something wrong with him. I shined a flash light near his eyes, and he followed it okay. We thought maybe he was blind. He ate okay when we brought him to his bowl, and he drank too. He always tries to make sure that he's backed up into something; he doesn't stay in open space. Is this just his being unfamiliar to his surroundings? Is there something wrong with his eyes ( illness or blindness wise)? Should i take him to a vet?

Really a Chemical Pregnancy?

Honestly, with your medical history and the IUD, it's best to see a doctor just to be safe. Whether your home pregnancy test comes out positive or negative, the doctor can do a blood test to check your HcG levels and confirm your pregnancy. Also, the bleeding could be a sign of a problem completely unrelated to a pregnancy, so it's best to check with your doctor.

Critique on my riding pls?

i agree with winning in the west, you could flow a bit more with the horse. both horses are beautiful. i agree, the warmblood is very stiff, but he i gorgeous. i see that you were leaning forward a littl bit but it was barely noticable.. you cou oosen the reins an relax your hands a little bit more but all in all it looks perfect =]

How hard is it to take 6 classes in a semester?

I wouldn't recommend six classes, but I guess you could figure out if it's right for you. Maybe you have a hard work ethic, and you want a challenge. Psychology and sociology can be tough because a lot of the course seems to be getting into the professor's mind instead of actually learning things on an individual level, so these courses may require more work than expected. History may be a lot of memorization and reading. I'm taking a history course right now; I absolutely love it, but we have to read a book every week. Geology and math should be easy, but I'm extremely biased in that because I study atmospheric science. Whenever I try to fit in an extra course, I discover that one is more work than I anticipated.

What are some good graduate schools I should look at if I'm interested in antiquity?

I'd like to find a grad school with a program where I could focus mostly on the history of ancient civilizations. I'd like to find somewhere in NY or at least the east coast if I could

Should I move on or give him a second chance?

I was dating a man for a few months. Although it had only been a few months I really felt a connection with him. Honestly I fell in love. Ive been in a few relationships and Ive been in love before so its nothing new...its just been a while. We met on a dating site. We both agreed to be monogamous and to delete out accounts. Through a conversation I had with a male about how a lot of men not being trust worthy I decided to do a little checking around. I went back to the site that we met on and saw that his account was still active and he had updated his pictures. It said that he had been online that day. I confronted him and he said that he was up one night (he doesnt sleep well) and was bored. He said the site sent him an email notification and he just went on to check them because he was bored. And he said that he just updated his pictures because he was bored but did not make any contact with any other females. I of course did not believe him and called it off. It has been about a month and he has been after me non stop. He said that he swears on the life of his son that he is not lying about anything and nothing happened. My first problem is that he did not think anything of being on the site in the first place. I later learned that my profile was not deleted but you could clearly see that I had not been online...but that was not his reason for being online. His reason was that he was bored. Anyway, my second problem was that he updated his profile with pictures that I took of him. First he did not see why I was upset which was a big issue for me. Who would not know that being on a dating site and updating your profile is a no no?? He is 30 but seems to either be making childish mistakes or he is just lying. As I said he has been making pleas to get me back. He has started attending my church during a different service but I have started visiting another church. He came over and I met his son a few days ago. He said that he wants us to be a family. I said that if he thinks that was okay what else does he think is okay. A few people have said to give it a second chance because the relationship is so new that he might not have trusted that I really wanted something long term. But as a man shouldn't he have just asked? How do you tell a woman that you want to spend your life with her and then get bored and upload pictures to a dating site. I read some articles about men going online and checking out these sites as an ego boost. Sounds like an excuse to me...sounds like putting yourself in the way of temptation to me. Am I wrong? Am I overreacting? Should I chalk it up as a mistake? Or run?

Is there a chance God will decide "inspiring books" failed cause of human factor, and just write one directly?

I can't wait for a consistent, unambiguous, inspiring and educational book written by the creator of our universe, which doesn't look at all like it's the product of primitive ancient people.

Do you think i should apologize to him?

I do. She has a point, guys absolutely HATE head games. If you feel like you need to apologize then i suggest you do, but make sure your sober, haha jk. Anyways just tell him you were drunk and that you want to forget everything and start over. Usually it works. Hope this helps<3

My neighbor says he likes me, but I only like him as a friend. I'm really into someone els. What do I do?

Ok so today me my sister and my two friend Austen and Josh were chalking on my driveway. Austen says he has a secret and that only Josh knows what it is. The next hour he keeps mentioning he will tell us once he is about to go inside. Finally he says, "(name) ever since I met you I've liked you." he thinks I don't like him, and I kinda do but I really really like Josh. Austen gives my all the signs that he likes me, and Josh only a few. What should I do. Btw I'm 13, and I haven't told my mom yet.


You overuse the word "ancient". Are you sure women are treated this well in 1728? Most societies then were patriarchal, with the women being little more than figureheads. Other than that, very well written!

How can I make my vagina smell better?

Maybe you have a bad diet. I'd suggest eating better. Stop spraying and putting **** in your underwear. Doing that is actually bad for your vagina.

I need help with my math exam review!!?

An archaeologist discovers an ancient settlement. To determine the age of the settlement, she measures the radioactivity of a fragment of bone recovered at the site. Carbon-14 has a half life of 5730. The algebraic model for the radioactivity of carbon=14 is . Determine the radioactivity of the bone, to the nearest percent, if it is 12 000 years old.

Where does the new car smell come from?

Everybody loves that wonderfully fresh new car smell. But I'm curious about which part of the car releases the odor. Where does it come from? What is it? Is it some kind of refresher or spray? Thanks for answering my curious questions!

Can I use the natural instincts week two color refresher after only one week?

Last week i dyed my hair with "natural instincts by clairol" It was the new box dye advertised on TV that had the week two refresher. The directions tell me to put it in after two weeks or whenever my hair needs a boost. Will it ruin my hair if i put it in tonight, even though it has only been seven days?

What are some cute teen room idea's?!?!?

I'm redoing my room, and I need more idea's! I just got a new bedspread and it's black and white, with a little pink. I thought I would paint one wall with chalk board paint, and leave the rest white. I've got a lot of pictures that I need to do something with. Oh, and I thought a hammock might be cute, but I don't know where to find one. Any thoughts on wall decor, lighting, rugs, ect.?? And what store/website could I use?

Where would I take an early 1900's picture to find out the value?

Not going to be muhc. photography was a mass market product by then. A good condition picture of nothing special might bring a few bucks. Anyone special and the price can go higher.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Senior Citizens-help with 78yr old mom taking driver's test?

She could take a refresher course, but she probably does not need to do so. Just tell her to go and take it and if she does not pass, she can always take it again. She will probably pass it the first time.

What heirloom varieties best represent the ancient species of corn used by ancient peoples?

I'm doing a project on corn; what heirloom varieties best represent the ancient species used ancient peoples in the Americas specially the Iroquois and the Tarahumara? Thank-you.

Poll what is the worst tasting thing you can think of?

I have to take a antibiotic for the post surgery infection in my foot and it is so nasty it tastes like 4oz of Liquid cherry banana pasty chalk yuck and the after taste leaves a lot to be desired

What is the difference in drawing gesture drawings and real drawings?

i was drawing a person in a pose and i had nice shading and it was sketchy like it's suppose to but my teacher said it looked lik anime b/c of the portrait but looking at some drawing it all looks lik squiggles and barely the face is ever drawn and we're using chalk so wat is the difference between real drawing lik self portraits and gesture drawings?

Starved effigy help, runescape?

so today i was soloing the mole in runescape and i managed to get two starved ancient effigy's in a row.. one for firemaking and cooking the other for hunting and herblore, my hunting and herblore is in its 20's so should i turn it into the museum? but my firemaking is in its 50's and my cooking is 84 what should i do?